Thursday, October 05, 2006

Can I Have A Gun? I Want To Shoot Someone In The Sandbox

Guns are usually the weapons of choice. In SL there is every type of gun imaginable. Some are for show, others will do definate damage to you. In all cases, to fire a gun you have to have permission from the other person if you plan on shooting them.

Not everyone likes guns. It's important to remember this. SL being built on the diversity of others means this thought stays first and foremost in your mind.

There are a lot of free guns out there on the mainland. Many others will give guns to you as well. The word of caution is to know where you are and know who you're with. Shooting someone just because they're in your way in the sandbox is a good way of having an abuse report filed on you. If the other person is an unwilling participant to this gun fight, it is very possible that you could end up losing your account and all your possessions.

Purchasing a High Grade weapon is the best thing to do. While the freebies are effective, the high grade weapons have more features and do much more. The scripts are sometimes better thought out and work more effectively. This is why they are purchase items rather than free items.

If you're really interested in gun play, you can visit any one of the battle SIM's in-world. They are free to use and you can experience a lot more than you can on a sandbox or your own parcel.



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